Ontario Trees & Shrubs website

Welcome to the Ontario Trees and Shrubs website
Your "online field guide" to Ontario's trees and shrubs

This website is all about trees and shrubs that grow in Ontario (Canada). If you're not from Ontario, don't go away! Most of the trees and shrubs featured on this website grow elsewhere in eastern North America, and many grow elsewhere in the world.



Where to go from here

The main body of this site consists of descriptions and photographs of numerous species of trees & shrubs. You can look up trees & shrubs by common name or Latin name, family, habitat, edible & poisonous plants, or by leaf type. Also by whether the plant is a tree, shrub, sub-shrub or vine. There are also lists of alien and native species.

Please also see "How to use this site"

A booklist of useful tree & shrub books is HERE

If you're new to tree & shrub identification, please go here

There are a number of interesting articles from The Monday Garden on this site

Humour - a humorous look at tree/shrub-related topics

Philosophical - some thoughtful and inspiring aspects of trees & shrubs



What's New
(158 species now on this site,  154 species still to come)