Bibliography / Booklist
Trees and Shrubs
The "must haves"
These first three books are essential if you
are serious about identifying trees & shrubs |
Trees in Canada
John Laird Farrar
Excellent book! THE definitive and authoritative guide to trees in Canada.
Shrubs of Ontario
James H. Soper & Margaret L. Heimburger
Published by Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
The definitive (and only) guide to shrubs in
Trees And Shrubs
Peterson Field Guide seriesAn excellent resource. The
drawings of leaves and twigs are stylized to highlight the
distinctive features of each. The drawings are presented in
contrasting pairs, with their differences highlighted. |
Books to get you started if you're
just learning to identify trees & shrubs |
Trees in Canada
John Laird Farrar
Excellent book! THE definitive and authoritative guide to trees in Canada.
The Tree Identification Book
George W.D. Symonds & Stephen V.
A unique photographic-only key to trees.
The Shrub Identification Book
W.D. Symonds & A.W. Merwin
A unique photographic-only key to shrubs.
Trees of Ontario
Published by Lone PineOk. A good beginning book. Inconsistent (different info is
presented for different species).
Other valuable resources |
Winter Botany
William Trelease
Published by DoverA good aid to identifying trees & shrubs
in winter. |
Manual of the Trees of
North America (2 vols)
Charles Sprague
Published by Dover
Originally published 1905, 2nd revised edition 1965.
ISBN 0-486-20277-1 (vol.1) & 0-486-20278-X (vol.2)
The greatest dendrologist America
has ever produced was without doubt Charles Sprague Sargent,
Professor of Arboriculture at Harvard and Director of the Arnold
Arboretum in Boston until his death in 1927 His monumental
"Manual of the Trees of North America," incorporating the
results of 44 years of original research, is still unsurpassed as
the most comprehensive and reliable volume on the subject. Almost
every other book on American trees is selective, but this one
assures you of identifying any native tree; it includes 185 genera
and 717 species of trees (and many shrubs) found in the United
States, Canada, and Alaska. 783 sharp, clear line drawings
illustrate leaves, flowers, and fruit.
First, a 6-page synoptic key breaks trees down into 66
different families; then, an unusually useful 11-page analytical key
to genera helps the beginner locate any tree readily by its leaf
characteristics Within the text over 100 further keys aid in
identification The body of the work is a species by species
description of leaves, flowers, fruit, winterbuds, bark, wood,
growth habits, etc., extraordinary in its fullness and wealth of
exact, specific detail Distinguishing features of this book are its
extremely precise local; ,IS and distributions; flower and leaf
descriptions that indicate immaturity variations; and a strong
discussion of varieties and local variants.
Additional useful features are a glossary of technical
terms; a system of letter keys classifying trees by regions; and a
detailed index of both technical and common names (index, glossary,
and introductory keys are printed in both volumes) Students and
teachers of botany and forestry, naturallsts, conservationists, and
all nature lovers will find this set an unmatched lifetime reference
source "Still the best work," Carl Rogers in "The
Tree Book." Total of 934 pages. |
The Forest Trees of Ontario
And The More Commonly Planted Foreign Trees - A Guide To Their
Identification With Illustrations
White. 4th edition revised by R.C. Hosie.
Published by Ontario
Ministry of Natural Resources
Originally published 1925, revised 1968
ISBN 0-7743-4913-1
Pretty good reference. Unfortunately out of print.
Trees, Shrubs and Flowers to Know in Ontario
Sheila McKay & Paul
CatlingExcellent! Unfortunately out of print.
Includes wildflowers as well.
Trees of the Eastern and Central United States and Canada
William M.
Published by DoverThese Dover reprints are almost always
excellent. This one certainly is. |
What Wood Is That?
Contains actual samples of various woods.
Manual of Landscape Woody Plants
Michael A. DirrTHE definitive reference to ALL woody plants used in landscaping.
Useful for identifying non-native species. There's also a companion
volume with photos of most of the plants in this book.
Other Tree & Shrub books |
Identification Guide to the Trees of Canada
Jean Lauriault
Published by National Museum of Natural Sciences, Ottawa 1989
Not very useful. Doesn't contain anything that other books don't
cover better.
Fifty Trees of Canada East of the Rockies
J.L. van Camp
Irwin Publishing, Toronto 1952
ISBN 0-7725-1099-7
A nice overview.
Eastern Trees
George A. Petrides & Janet Wehr - (new
Peterson Field Guide seriesThis one is nowhere near as
useful as the Peterson Trees & Shrubs book. |
Eastern Forests
John C. Kricher & Gordon Morrison
Peterson Field Guide seriesForest ecology of the east. |
The Audubon Society Field Guide to North America Trees - Eastern Region
I don't find this book very useful, compared to other tree books. |
Familiar Trees of North America - Eastern
Audubon Society Pocket Series, Ann H. Whitman, editor
Published by Alfred A. Knopf 1986
ISBN 0-394-74851-4A great book for flipping
through and obtaining an overview of various species of trees. |
Eastern Forests
Ann Sutton & Myron Sutton
Audubon Society Nature
Guides |
An Illustrated Flora of the Northeastern United States and Canada
Nathaniel Lord Britton & Hon. Addison Brown (3
Published by DoverDefinitive set of books on NE North
America's plants. Includes wildflowers, ferns, grasses. Excellent
but scientific. Not for beginners. |
Trees of North America
C. Frank Brockman
Golden GuideA great overview book for getting started, but
includes many southern species. |
A Pocket Guide to Trees
Rutherford Platt
Great book, but out of print. |
The Illustrated Book of Trees
William Carey Grimm
2nd edition 2000
ISBN 0-8117-2811-0 |
The Illustrated Book of
Wildflowers and Shrubs
William Carey Grimm |