Other common names:
Common Buttonbush, Eastern Buttonbush, Honeyballs Family: Bedstraw Family (Rubiaceae) Distinctive features: Shrub; Wetland shrub. Distinctive globular flower and seed clusters. Flowers: Summer; White; 4 parts (petals); White, tiny, in a globular cluster. Leaves: Opposite/Whorled, Simple, Entire; Opposite or in whorls of three. Height:
3 m (9 ft) Fruit/Seeds:
Dark, in a globular cluster (resemble those of Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis)). Habitat: Wet Areas; Wetlands. Will grow in other habitats if planted. Books: Shrubs of Ontario: 423 Newcomb's Wildflower Guide: 164 Native/Non-native:
Native Status:
Common in wetlands.
Buttonbush is a swamp/marsh shrub. It likes to grow where there is water all or most of the year. Most people don't get to see this shrub because of this.
Origin and Meaning of Names:
Scientific Name: occidentalis: western Photographs:
145 photographs available, of which 12 are featured on this page. SCROLL DOWN FOR PHOTOGRAPHS.
Range Map is at the bottom of the page
A grove of Buttonbush in a marsh (or is this a "swamp" since it's covered by the shrub?), in June.
Closer view of the shrub, in June. Buttonbush ranges from 3-10 feet tall.
Another picture of the leaves. They are usually about 3-6" long and egg-shaped, pointed at the tip.
Buttonbush leaves can also be very shiny.
The underside of the leaves.
What a "grove" of these shrubs looks like in winter.
It's real tough to get through a grove of these shrubs, winter or summer, as seen in this photo.
Buttonbush flowers, which give this its common name.
And, a whole marsh/swamp of Buttonbush in flower.
Buttonbush leaves are in opposite pairs or in whorls of three (see next photo). The only other Ontario tree/shrub that has leaves in whorls of three is the Northern Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) tree.
PLEASE NOTE: A coloured Province or State means this species occurs somewhere in that Province/State.
The entire Province/State is coloured, regardless of where in that Province/State it occurs.
(Range map provided courtesy of the USDA website
and is displayed here in accordance with their